Course curriculum

    1. About Your Instructors

    2. Study Plans and Customization

    3. Getting Started

    1. Overview

    2. Sections, Timing, and Question Types

    3. 2022 PCAT Test Dates

    4. PCAT Scoring

    1. Topic 1 Course Guide Enzymes

    2. Topic 1 Video: Enzymes

    3. Topic 1 Review Text: Enzymes

    4. Topic 1 Quiz: Enzymes

    5. Topic 2 Course Guide for Video A Intro to Bioenergetics

    6. Topic 2 Course Guide for Video B Glycolysis

    7. Topic 2 Course Guide for Video C Citric Acid Cycle

    8. Topic 2 Course Guide for Video D Oxidative Phosphorylation and the ETC

    9. Topic 2 Course Guide for Video E Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen

    10. Topic 2 Review Text Links: Bioenergetics

    11. Topic 2 Review Text Book: Deep Review of Bioenergetics

    12. Topic 2 Quiz A: Videos A-D Material

    13. Topic 2 Quiz II: Video E Material

    14. Topic 3 Course Guide Eukaryotic Cells

    15. Topic 3 Review Text: Eukaryotic Cells

    16. Topic 3 Quiz: Eukaryotic Cells

    17. Topic 4 Course Guide Prokaryotic Cells

    18. Topic 4 Review Text: Prokaryotic Cells

    19. Topic 4 Quiz: Prokaryotic Cells

    20. Topic 5 Course Guide Viruses

    21. Topic 5 Review Text: Viruses

    22. Topic 5 Quiz: Viruses

    23. Topic 6 Course Guide Cell Cycle and Mitosis

    24. Topic 6: Mitosis Summary Diagrams (larger format)

    25. Topic 6 Review Text: The Cell Cycle and Mitosis

    26. Topic 6 Quiz: Mitosis

    27. Topic 7 Course Guide: Meiosis

    28. Topic 8 Course Guide Genetics and Evolution

    29. Topic 7: Meiosis and Meiosis versus Mitosis Summary Diagrams (larger format)

    30. Topic 7 Review Text: Meiosis

    31. Topic 7 Quiz: Meiosis

    32. Topic 8 Review Text: Genetics, Inheritance and Evolution

    33. Topic 8 Quiz: Genetics and Evolution

    34. Quiz Instructions

    35. Biology Comprehensive Quiz-LONG

    36. Biology Comprehensive Practice-QUICK (10 randomly-selected questions, ~10-15 minutes)

    1. Periodic Table Resource File

    2. Topic 1 Course Guide: Atomic and Electronic Structure (use for notes during the video)

    3. Topic 1 Video Lesson: Atomic and Electronic Structure

    4. Topic 1 Review Text: Atomic and Electronic Structure

    5. Topic 1 Quiz

    6. Topic 2 Course Guide: The Periodic Table (use for notes during the video)

    7. Topic 2 Video Lesson: The Periodic Table

    8. Topic 2 Review Text: The Periodic Table

    9. Topic 2 Quiz

    10. Topic 3 Course Guide: Covalent Bonds and Representations (use for notes during the video)

    11. Topic 3 Video Lesson-The Covalent Bond

    12. Topic 3 Review Text: Covalent Bonds

    13. Topic 3 Quiz

    14. Topic 4 Course Guide: Bonding Models, VSEPR, and Hybridization (use for notes during the video)

    15. Topic 4 Video Lesson: Bonding Models

    16. Topic 4 Review Text: Bonding Models: VSEPR and Hybridization

    17. Topic 4 Quiz

    18. Topic 5 Course Guide: Stoichiometry (use for notes during the video)

    19. Topic 5 Video Lesson Stoichiometry

    20. Topic 5 Review Text: Stoichiometry

    21. Topic 5 Quiz

    22. Topic 6 Course Guide: Ions, Solubility, and Colligative Properties (use for notes during the video)

    23. Topic 6 Review Text: Ions, Solubility, and Colligative Properties

    24. Topic 6 Quiz

    25. Topic 7 Course Guide: Thermodynamics and Equilibria

    26. Topic 7 Video Lesson: Thermodynamics and Equilibria

    27. Topic 7 Review Text: Thermodynamics and Equilibria

    28. Topic 7 Quiz

    29. Topic 8 Course Guide: Acid-Base Equilibria and Titrations

    30. Topic 8 Video Lesson Acid: Base Equilibrium and Titrations

    31. Topic 8 Review Text: Acid-Base Equilibria and Titrations

    32. Topic 8 Quiz

    33. Topic 9 Course Guide: Gases and Gas Laws

    34. Topic 9 Video Lesson: Gases and Gas Laws

    35. Topic 9 Review Text: Gases and Gas Laws

    36. Topic 9 Quiz

    37. Topic 10 Course Guide: Kinetics

    38. Topic 10 Review Text: Kinetics

    39. Topic 10 Video Lesson: Kinetics

    40. Topic 10 Quiz

    41. Topic 11 Course Guide: Atomic and Nuclear Chemistry

    42. Topic 11 Video Lesson: Nuclear Chemistry

    43. Topic 11 Review Text: Atomic and Nuclear Chemistry

    44. Topic Quiz 11

    1. Periodic Table -open in a new window and refer to as needed

    2. Topic 1 Organic Review Text: Stereochemistry

    3. Topic 1 Course Guide: Stereochemistry

    4. Topic 1 Video: Stereochemistry

    5. Topic 1 Quiz: Stereochemistry and Isomerism

    6. Topic 2 Organic Review Text: Subst. and Elim. of RX

    7. Topic 2 Course Guide-Subst and Elim of RX

    8. Topic 2 Video Subst and Elim on RX

    9. Topic 2 Quiz: Subst. and Elim. Reactions of RX

    10. Topic 3 Organic Review Text: Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides

    11. Topic 3 Course Guide Part A: Alcohols

    12. Topic 3 Video A: Alcohols

    13. Topic 3 Course Guide Part B-Ethers Epoxides and Practice Problems

    14. Topic 3 Video Part B-Ethers and Epoxides

    15. Topic 3 Quiz: Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides

    16. Topic 4 Organic Review Text: Alkenes and Alkynes

    17. Topic 4 Course Guide: Alkenes and Alkynes

    18. Topic 4 Video: Alkenes and Alkynes

    19. Topic 4 Quiz; Alkenes and Allynes

    20. Topic 5 Organic Review Text: Aromatics

    21. Topic 5 Course Guide-Aromatics

    22. Topic 5 Video: Aromatics

    23. Topic 5 Quiz: Aromatic Compounds

    24. Topic 6 Organic Review Text: Aldehydes and Ketones

    25. Topic 6 Course Guide: Aldehydes and Ketones

    26. Topic 6 Video: Aldehydes and Ketones

    27. Topic 6 Quiz: Aldehydes and Ketones

    28. Topic 7 Organic Review Text: Carboxylic Acids

    29. Topic 7 Course Guide: Carboxylic Acids

    30. Topic 7 Video: Carboxylic Acids

    31. Topic 7 Quiz: Carboxylic Acids

    32. Topic 8 Organic Review Text: Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

    33. Topic 8 Course Guide-Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

    34. Topic 8 Video: Carboxylic Acid Derivs

    35. Topic 8 Quiz: Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

    36. Topic 9 Organic Review Text: Spectroscopy

    37. Topic 9 Course Guide: Spectroscopy

    38. Topic 9 Video: Spectroscopy

    39. Topic 9 Quiz: Spectroscopy

    40. Organic Quick Review Quiz Instructions

    41. Periodic Table - open in a new window for reference during the quiz

    42. Quick Review Organic Quiz (10-15 min, 10 random Q from Q Bank)

    1. Periodic Table Resource File

    2. Topic 1 Course Guide (Videos A and B): Amino Acids and Proteins

    3. Topic 1 Review Text Intro. to Amino Acids

    4. Topic 1 Video A: Intro. to Amino Acids

    5. Topic 1: Reading for more Review!

    6. Topic 1 Video B: Amino Acids and Proteins

    7. Topic 1 Quiz (Video A Material): Intro. to Amino Acids

    8. Topic 1 Quiz (Video B Material): Amino Acids and Proteins

    9. Topic 2 Course Guide: Lipids

    10. Topic 2 Video: Lipids

    11. Topic 2 Review Text Lipids

    12. Topic 2 Quiz: Lipids

    13. Topic 3 Course Guide: Structure of Nucleic Acids

    14. Topic 3 Video: Structure of Nucleic Acids

    15. Topic 3 Review Text Links: Structural Aspects of Nucleic Acids

    16. Topic 3 Quiz: Structural Aspects of Nucleic Acids

    17. Topic 4 Course Guide: DNA Replication

    18. Topic 4 Video: DNA Replication

    19. Topic 4 Review Text Links: DNA Replicaiotn

    20. Topic 4 Quiz: DNA Replication

    21. Topic 5 Course Guide: RNA and Transcription

    22. Topic 5 Video: RNA and Transcription

    23. Topic 5 Review Text Links: RNA and transcription

    24. Topic 5 Quiz: RNA and Transcription

    25. Topic 6 Course Guide: Translation

    26. Topic 6 Video: Translation

    27. Topic 6 Review Text: Translation

    28. Topic 6 Quiz: Translation

    29. Amino Acid Abbreviations Review Sheet

About this course

  • $1,000.00
  • 189 lessons
  • 14 hours of video content